Payment Security


POS PCI PA-DSS validated.

PA-DSS is the Payment Card Industry’s highest recognition for secure payment point of sale applications. Where many POS solutions providers are bypassing PA-DSS requirements with “out-of-scope” designations, SoftTouch voluntarily submits to what is arguably the most rigorous examination and assessment of software development practices in the industry. Need an EMV solution? We’ve got that too.

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POS EMV certified.

EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa) is the global standard for protecting against credit card fraud utilizing embedded chips. Unlike traditional swipe credit cards, EMV chip cards request a unique transaction ID from credit card merchants every time the chip card is used. This makes it nearly impossible for fraudulent activity to occur from duplicating and skimming cards. SoftTouch was among the first POS developers to implement a comprehensive EMV integration. Moreover, through partner agreements, we proudly offer an offline processing solution for EMV enabled merchants.

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